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Organized Kitchen Cabinet
What is the difference between a Professional Organiser, an Interior Designer, and an Interior Decorator?

These three professionals provide services that complement each other, however they differ in critical ways Interior Design involves manipulating the architectural integrity of interior space.


Interior decorating, in the other hand, is generally focused on the selection and presentation of interior items within a space, such as furniture, accessories, finishes and room layout.


Neither an Interior Designer nor an Interior Decorator can properly recreate or enhance your physical space if it is overrun by clutter. That's where a Professional Organiser will help you to take control of clutter by aiding you in the process of determining what stays and what goes, by developing efficient systems to maintain order, and by recommending functional storage solutions based on organising needs.


Once the clutter has been eliminated, the Interior Designer or Interior Decorator will have a fresh canvas to create the mood you desire in your space.


It's the Organiser who can determine organisation solutions and make the space functional, while the Decorator can transform the space into something more beautiful. And sometimes those two people are one person (like me)! 

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