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Image by Dhruv Patel


Get organised!

An organised space  has less to do about the way it looks but how effectively it performs its function.

If you can find what you need when you need it, easily, and are happy with your space, then you are organised.

Consider your answers to the following questions:

  • Are you constantly late for appointments?

  • Are you constantly looking for things?

  • Are you unsure of your expectations?

  • Are you feeling increased stress and less energy?

  • Are you overwhelmed every time you try to organise or tidy up your space?

  • Are you anxious with all that needs to be done?

  • Are you embarrassed to invite anyone into your home?

  • Are you wasting money buying more of what you already have but can’t find?

  • Do you have too much stuff and no place to put it?

  • Do you have trouble putting systems into place and sticking with them?

If you found your head nodding as you read through the list, I can help you create customised systems and solutions that work for you and your family and will assist you with what items to keep or let go of so you are left with what you love and USE!

I can help

It can be invaluable to have some hands on assistance to walk you through making those tough decisions. 

As a professional organiser (PO) I can also introduce new habits and routines that compliment your new system and simplify your life.


My experience can cut a job in half getting you from chaos to calm quicker than you ever thought possible. Contrary to popular belief a P.O. will not just come in and make you throw everything away.


Remember, my job is to create systems and solutions that work for YOU. Also you do not need to panic about someone seeing the state of your home. I am not judgemental in my roles and genuinely want to help you.

I am a member of IOPO - The Institute of Professional Organisers. IOPO is the official body for Professional Organisers in Australasia and beyond.

Click here to find out the difference between a Professional Organiser, an Interior Designer, and an Interior Decorator.

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Some common goals for getting organised:

  • Stop spending time looking for things
  • Set a good example for kids 
  • Reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed
  • Achieve more in less time
  • Make better use of talents and skills
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Gain sense of control
  • Project a better image to clients, colleagues, and friends
  • Make more money
  • Spend less money
  • Have more time to spend on what's really important
  • Improve relationships with family
  • Gain energy and calm from space
  • Reduce stress, frustration, and anxiety level​
  • Clear head of all the clutter

Professional organising packages

Image by Minh Pham



For larger projects, or multiple small areas that need attention where you feel overwhelmed, or don’t know where to start.

This is a great option that will give you the time to work with me.

Between sessions you will be able to learn and implement the methods I suggest.

This organising package includes:

  • 2 hour in-person home assessment

  • Email communications in between sessions to answer your questions

Stylist Hanger




For a single small project including:

  • Bathroom

  • Closet

  • Kitchen

  • Pantry

  • Papers & Memorabilia

  • Filing cabinet – (or wish to have one)

I’ll interview you personally, or over the phone to identify your goals and to get all the information I need to bring the appropriate materials.

On the scheduled date, after a brief walk-through, we will start working and organising right away. We will go through all items in the space, sort, categorise them, and then organise!

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