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  • Writer's pictureDaniela Everest

The relationship between Feng shui and Qi

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

When you hear about feng shui, you will inevitably hear about Qi (Chi). But what is it?

Qi, also spelled Chi, is one of the central concepts surrounding the practice of feng shui. And yes, it does refer to energy, which is already known in modern science.

I have seen people confused by this whole concept. I have also seen people discredit feng shui altogether because they could not understand what it is.

Chi is simply an ancient term used to describe what cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as sound waves, odor molecules, bacteria, heat waves, and others that were not scientifically known in ancient times.

In feng shui, Qi is a type of force or energy that can affect us physically and mentally. It is a term used by the ancients. It is not a superstition, nor is it spiritual. Because we humans rely heavily on our visual senses, what cannot be seen is sometimes hard to comprehend.


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